Thursday 3 April 2014

Palindromes in the Quran

Palindrome #1:

وَ كُ لٌّ فِ ي فَ لَ كٍ يَ سْبَحُونَ

And all in floating they (are) orbiting.
[Quran Yasin 36:40]

NOTE: See the letters Orbitting/floating around the letter ‘Ya’
In this ayah Allah is speaking about how the sun and the moon are in orbit. Look at the letters in redblue and green; they are all floating around the letter in orange. The next word begins with the letter ya [YaSbah], which is referring to Floating.
The letters are Floating around one another, since the concept being discussed is Orbit.
It is also a Palindrome, by which the words can be read forwards and backwards the same phrase is said.

Quranic Palindrome #2

ورب ك ف ك ب ر

[wa RaBaKFa KaBiR]
 And your Lord (Allah) magnify!
[i.e. so magnify your Lord!]
(focus on the Consonants only in the arabic language)

[Quran Surah Mudatthir 74:3]
This can also be Read the same forwards AND backwards.
Some points to add to this:
1) It was spoken and the one who spoke it was illiterate. It’s pretty hard to come up with a palindrome when you sit down and work it out, yet it might be possible, but to speak it out of the blue -> you only get one shot at getting it right because what is being is said is memorized instantly and written down. You can’t go back and modify it. Plus the speaker himself, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, is illiterate so it’s not like he could have sat down before hand and worked through it.
2) It was recited together with the verses before and after it. I.e. it’s right in the middle of a passage and the fact that the verse being a palindrome fits so well in the context of what’s being said and doesn’t take anything away from the coherency and meaning.
3) It was unknown at the time but discovered centuries later by linguistic scholarswho spent their time looking through the Qur’an for such aspects of linguistic excellence. It’s not like the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him) went around and said look, this verse has a palindrome. It’s just there.

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